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International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD) is the world’s largest annual campaign to end overdose. This year, our Coastal Rehabilitation Women’s Center in Foley, Alabama is partnering with Big Fish Ministries to bring awareness to the Alabama Gulf Coast community.

Please plan to join us on Saturday, August 31, as we remember those who have died and acknowledge the loss of family and friends left behind. The event begins at 10 a.m. at Heritage Park in downtown Foley, Alabama and will include live music, food trucks and vendor booths.

Guest speakers will share messages of hope, and representatives from our ministry and others will be available to discuss our recovery programs. Harm reduction supplies will be on hand to help reduce the risk of overdose and drug-related infections. Attendees are encouraged to bring photos of loved ones lost to overdose for display on our memorial wall.

The theme of this year’s IOAD is Together We Can, which highlights the strength of our community when we stand in unity. Tackling the overdose epidemic remains a tremendous challenge, but with each person who gets involved, we continue to build momentum in the global fight to end overdose.

IOAD serves as a kick-off to National Recovery Month in September. Be sure to save the date for August 31 and invite your friends! If you have questions about the event, please get in touch, or explore our website for more information about our faith-based recovery services.

Tiffani Scalzo

Author Tiffani Scalzo

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